Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maternity Photos

We'll probably do a few more, but here are my favorites from the first attempt.


EE said...

She looks great! Want to buy some never used baby girl stuff from us at a cheap price? Haha.

KD5NRH said...

We're already trying to find room for everything, and the baby showers haven't even happened yet. Apparently lots of people nearby and a couple of family members have had girls in the last couple of years, and are still trying to offload stuff :)

EE said...

Oh well, hopefully my next kid will be a girl, lol!

I can't wait to see baby pictures!

KD5NRH said...

We're working on it, and apparently, so is she. With three weeks to go until the original due date, she's in position and apparently getting in a bit of a hurry. OB says it's fine; she's good on weight and all functions they can check by ultrasound, so if she starts making a move, we'll just take her word for it that she's ready.
OTOH, my wife's BP was up a bit last visit, so she's been cut to 30hr weeks at work and told they'll probably induce labor anyway if it doesn't settle down.
I went to WalMart tonight to see about one of the little BP monitors...$35 for the cheapest electronic one, or $10 for a cuff with a stethoscope attached. Considering the number of nurses I've seen double-check a hooked-up monitor that costs more than I make in a year by doing it the old-fashioned way, I decided it's a good thing I paid attention when the nurse I dated back in my soemwhat younger days decided to teach me a few basics.

KD5NRH said...

Guess I should have said "more than I used to make in a year." After looking at my W2, I don't think too many hospitals have any monitoring equipment that costs less than I make in a year now.

As soon as the kid is settled in, I'm getting my butt back in school.

EE said...

My kid came early too, it's actually kind of nice, when they're healthy ad all.

I would have picked the manual BP as well. The automatic ones you can buy at the store suck. If you're having trouble learning how to take it, just ask the nurse at your next OB appointment to show you how.

Might I suggest nursing school?

Good luck with everything.

KD5NRH said...

Well, I can't judge much by my BP, since I've got an elbow brace on right now that most likely plays hell with the blood vessels in that area for quite a while after it's removed, but so far the numbers we're both getting are within expected ranges.
The general public wouldn't stand for me being in a medical profession. There would be way too many "accidents" happening to drunk drivers and drug seekers.